Best sweets for your diet

Sometimes we all crave a sugary kick, whether it’s a trip to the cinema and the pic’n’mix is calling, or we’re raiding the kitchen cupboards at 3pm for an afternoon sugar hit. we’re some of the biggest sweetie fans going!

And we all know how difficult it is to say no to the kids when they’re after some sweets! But regularly dipping into a bag of sweets can quickly see the pounds pile on and the dentist bills go through the roof too!

Although sweets obviously contain sugar, some can be laden in calories whilst others aren’t as bad. If you’re on a diet and watching your waistline, wouldn’t it be helpful to know which sweets are the best and which are the worst next time you’re in the supermarket?

From the sweets with a whopping 698 calories per bag, to the treats with a diet-friendly 96 calories per packet, we’ve looked at the calories and sugar in all your sweetie favourites so you know which ones to tuck into, and which to avoid at all costs. Where does your favourite taste ?